Wednesday, February 09, 2011

its everything...

why is art and pottery everything i see? everything i do?

my favorite of the seas shells are the broken  remnants of conch shells. i love it when the big curved planes of the shell fall away, leaving only the graceful spiral curve that makes the skeleton. the spiral is the heart of a wheel thrown pot. i see spirals  everywhere. they are something i've always taken note of and admired: the conch, to the muscles wrapping the human form, the eddies of a river, the swirls in the clouds, or a horses coat... this leads me to my next question. was i always meant to be a potter? or did i become a potter because i loved the spiral? it is  innate? or coincidence?

or i am ridiculous for bothering to wonder about these things?

maybe. probably...

but as a potter, and a person, i find myself constantly reviewing the interconectedness of the world. its hard not, garden, clay, dirt, food, life. love.

Finding me:

asheville river arts district
95 roberts street
asheville, north carolina
