Thursday, November 10, 2011

reinventing this wheel

it was very exciting to go to my new studio this week and start making pots. when i went to turn on my wheel, that little green light came on, no problem, but when i pressed the pedal, this old girl had no juice.  my hubby took her apart and tried to diagnose her ailments, to no avail. ahhh, time to call in a specialist. oscar the shimpo man was super helpful and her fixes are on the way! unfortunately they won't arrive until next week.... handbuilding for me it is!
also if you have noticed my blogging absence, its because my hubby and i are renovating our new-old home in asheville. i am keeping a blog of those adventures. check it out at:
as always, wishing you well and thanks for reading!

Finding me:

asheville river arts district
95 roberts street
asheville, north carolina
