Friday, April 15, 2011

appalachian treks

no matter how much (or little. ha!) i am infatuated with beaufort on any given day, my sweet sheltering mountains are always in the back of my mind, a little special place in my heart. when i am feeling unmotivated in the mornings, i like to get up and read other potter's blogs. this morning i cam across the blog "appalachian treks".

this blog is by a talented photographer named mark peacock. it features his photos, with inspirational literary quotes on nature (think Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Mark Twain), great mountain hikes, vast mountain overlooks, rambling scenic drives, and must-see parks in and around western nc and eastern tennessee.  i love it! it takes me home. it is such an accurate collection of beauty that describes those ethereal and haunting hills in all their splendor. and done by a person who has built his livelyhood capturing the mountains on film (okay so that might be a bit of poetic leeway, its probably digital now. but breathtaking all the same.) its definitely on my list of favorites! check it out!

thanks for reading!

Finding me:

asheville river arts district
95 roberts street
asheville, north carolina
